Tuesday, November 20, 2007

11/27 event: How the Guild got it done in St. Paul

Two weeks ago, the Newspaper Guild in St. Paul and the MNG-owned Pioneer Press signed a four-year contract that was overwhelmingly ratified by Guild members, 159 to 6. The agreement addresses a host of core issues such as job security, pay, health care, training and more.

Join us Tuesday night in Walnut Creek to hear first-hand from Darren Carroll how it's possible with a strong Guild unit to negotiate good agreements with MNG. Darren is a longtime Guild journalist and was a key member of the St. Paul negotiating team.

Not sure if you are a "Guild supporter" yet? Come anyway, and find out what we're all about. All BANG-EB employees are welcome.

Tuesday, Nov. 27 at 7:30 p.m.
1161 Conejo Way, Walnut Creek, near Larkey Park
Home of Chronicle reporter and shop steward Kevin Fagan

For more information on this event, contact:

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