Tuesday, December 4, 2007

On the move: We Guildies packed the place

Ah, it was a sight to see: our folks jammed around a banquet-size table for a luncheon yesterday at Francesco’s in Oakland. The place is so cool, looks like something out of The Sopranos..AND it's union.

They didn’t have a table large enough to fit everyone who came out Monday for nourishment of the body and the local – our Guild local that is. Folks turned up who I didn’t even know were behind our push to win union representation (not to mention the benefits that come with it).

One thing crystallized for me: there’s nowhere else in the Bay Area to go now. And the options are shrinking nationally of papers NOT owned by MediaNews - which is in bed with Hearst and who knows how many other media companies.

So, we either put our foot down here or Bay Area reporters – all reporters, not just union – won’t have a ground to stand on when management is done. Pfew. I’m getting carried away with the idea of us having union cards in our pockets (or, um, wherever). I can see the AJR headline now: "BANG, baby, BANG: Bay Area Guild refused to take 'no union' for an answer." Okay, I was never great at headlines but you get the idea.

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