Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy 2008! Hope and Change are in the Air...

A happy new year to all and Guild wishes for a healthy, productive '08!  Hopefulness and a spirit of change are definitely in the air, and not just in Iowa...

The One Big BANG campaign is gathering momentum in worksites across the East Bay, as hunger grows for a real voice in the changes we're all facing day-to-day.  This week's shake up at The Merc is just one example of the seemingly daily news of changes from papers across the region and the country. (For some especially good pro-labor news see the recent Santa Barbara News-Press ruling.)

Be sure to take a moment and read New Year, New Guild by local Guild President Michael Cabantuan, for his take on Bay Area prospects for 2008.  Chime in below with a new year's resolution for your workplace...

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