Saturday, October 13, 2007

Burying the Lede

From a Sept. 11 MediaNews employee update:"And Finally. . .As most of you know, the Newspaper Guild is challenging our decision to withdraw recognition of the Guild as the bargaining representative of the consolidated BANG-East Bay Editorial Division."The Guild filed complaints alleging unfair labor practices with the National Labor Relations Board and is waging a campaign of misinformation in an attempt to block our efforts to move the company in a positive direction in a very challenging economic environment."The Guild claims that our decision to withdraw recognition of the union is illegal. The truth is that we had no choice but to withdraw recognition since it is illegal to extend recognition to a union that represents a minority of employees in a group such as the BANG-East Bay Editorial Division.We have acted fairly and professionally in every respect."We gave union representatives advance word of our intention to consolidate. We are answering in a timely fashion all questions from the union. We are fully cooperating with the NLRB. We remain confident that our decision to withdraw recognition is in full compliance with all applicable law. As always, your comments and questions are welcome."John ArmstrongPresident and PublisherBay Area News Group-East Bay----What he forgot to mention is that months before the union-busting measure, a decertification letter was being circulated by an ANG employee in order to force the issue. It fizzled once the instigator was confronted and word went out about what was up the management sleeve. It wasn't the only behind-the-back tactic. Armstrong also omitted the strategy behind the merging of union ANG and nonunion Contra Costa Times employees. So, right, they are "fully cooperating." Like wolves in sheeps' clothing.

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